Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This blog turns one

It has been a little over a year since I started this blog. Sept 15 marks the actual date. The date came and went without me realising it.

This is how I found out:

I have been looking for stainless steel measuring cups and spoons for some time now. And I put the word out to my friends all over to buzz me if they ever came across one.

I already have two sets of plastic measuring cups and spoons but I just love the metallic look and feel of these kitchen utensils. I first fell in love with them when I saw pastry chef Anna Olson using them on her show, Sugar.

I finally found them at Bake with Yen in Puchong and I hesitated buying them. Why because I already have two sets.

I was relating my story to my friend, Manjeet, and she encouraged me to get them. She said, 'Let it be an anniversary gift to yourself for starting your blog. When did you start your blog?'

Well, the rest is history. I am now a proud owner of three sets of these baking tools. And I love my latest addition the most! :)



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